“If you can still breathe a breath, you can still pursue a purpose.”

Friends And Family,

We are really excited to announce that we successfully launched Rhythm Church on Oct. 16, 2022! On Launch Sunday one person gave their life to the Lord. We had 7 new families outside of our sphere of influence. We had 100 people in attendance!

May God receive all of the glory! It was a great day to be a part of His Kingdom. Can I be honest though? As exciting as it was to launch a new life giving church, we had plenty of setbacks.

  1. All of our microphones cut in and out.

  2. We had a cutout silhouette of the devil on the wall behind where we worshiped and proclaimed the Word. (Not by choice, we rent from a school.)

  3. If that’s not bad enough, I forgot my sermon notes. I had to drive back home and get them before I spoke.

Church planting is awesome! In the middle of mess and mess up, God did the heavy lifting and people are still coming back to our services each week. In fact, 21 people have already committed in church membership!

You are part of that legacy! You are one of the many who sacrificed so that we could launch Rhythm church with 27 core team members, money in the bank, and a passion for people to discover God’s rhythm for their lives. Thank you for believing in us and empowering Rhythm Church to take the gospel to new people. I know it may be hard to attend one of our services, but we would be honored to have you.

We still have much more fundraising to do. We ask that you still remember us as we update you as frequently as possible.

Thank you so much for your support, and we hope to see you at Rhythm Church!


Toney Browning

Pastor - Rhythm Church

(502) 370-5841

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